Operator Overloading
Complex c1{5, 2}, c2{-4, 4};
Complex c3 = c1 + c2;
// Compiler sees:
Complex c3 = operator+(c1, c2);
operator<<(cout, c3);
non-member operator overloads
Complex operator+(const Complex &lhs,
const Complex &rhs) {
return Complex{lhs.real() + rhs.real(),
lhs.imag() + rhs.imag()};
Complex c3 = operator+(c1, c2);
// Operator-overload is provided as a separate function
// defined outside of the class
member operator overloads
class Complex {
double re, im;
Complex operator+(const Complex &rhs) const {
return Complex{re + rhs.re, im + rhs.im};
Complex c3 = c1.operator(c2);
// Operator-overload is specified as a member function on the type
// LHS of the operation is the obj that the function is called on
Complex c3 = operator+(c1, c2); // non-member
Complex c3 = c1.operator+(c2); // member
Member operator overload is unavailable in some cases e.g. c1 is primitive.
Use other implementation by switching the order of operation. Also, it is great to implement this way when operators are opposite meaning.
Complex operator+(const Complex &c, double v);
Complex operator+(double v, const Complex &c);
Complex operator+(const Complex &c, double v) {
// do the operator work
Complex operator+(double v, const Complex &c) {
return c + v; // swap and use the other operator
Complex Constructors
// all the cases
Complex(double re, double im);
Complex(double re);
// or, single constructor with default value
Complex(double re = 0, double im = 0);
Implicit Conversion on Constructors
Complex(double re = 0, double im = 0);
Complex operator+(const Complex &, const Complex &) { /* ... */ };
Complex c1{5, 3};
Complex c2 = c1 + 4;
// compilter will automatically convert this way
Complex c2 = operator+(c1, Complex{4});
Artimetic Assignment
Complex & Complex::operator+=(const Complex &rhs) {
re += rhs.re;
im += rhs.im;
return *this;
Complex c1{10, -5}, c2{3, 4};
c1 += c2; // c1 = {13, -1}
dereferences the pointer to get to the object itself.
Complex operator+(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs) {
return Complex{lhs} += rhs;
Output Stream
- Output your type's value in some clean, simple way
- Do not output any newlines
- Return
reference as the function's return-value
Complex c3 = c1 + c2;
cout << c3 << "\n";
// `ostream` is in the standard library so it is unable to create
// member overload.
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const Complex &c) {
os << "(" << c.real() << "," << c.imag() << ")";
return os;
Expression is evaluated from left to right. Each operator<<
call returns the output-stream, so that the next operator<<
call can use it for output.
Coming up next
- Lecture 6: Copy and assignment operator with Heap, Inline