I want to improve user experience of my app and web service, so that I looked up basic and foundation of UX concepts and materials, then jotted down some detail on this page.

User Experience Basics

Factors that Influence UX, Peter Morville's User Experience Honeycomb represents:

There are several areas related to bulding the UX. Some areas I interested in:

Usability Evaluation


Focuses on how well users can learn and use a product to achieve their goals.

Evaluation Methods

Test early and often

Working with data from testing

Once you have gathered your data, use it to:

  1. Evaluate the usability of your product
  2. Recommend imporvements
  3. Implement hte recommendations
  4. Re-test the product to measure the effectiveness of your changes

User-centered design

Check the process map in the link.

User Interface Design

Choosing interface elements for your product.

Best Practices:

The Elements of User Experience

Element Description Stage
Visual Design look-and-feel Concrete / Completion
Interface Design HCI, design of interface elemens to facilitate user interaction with functionality
Information Design / Interaction Design - In the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding
- Development of application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with site functionality
Functional Specifications "feature set", detailed descriptions of functionality the site must include in order to meet user needs.
User Needs / Site Objectives - Externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
- Business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site.
Abstract / Conception

The model outlined key considerations and it doesn't account actual process of the project.

User Experience Design by Peter Morville

Explained UX under information architecture's view. The honeycomb provides a balanced and modular approach.

Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility

  1. Make it easy to verify the accuracy of the information on your site (by providing third-party support e.g. citations)
  2. Show that there's a real organization behind your site
  3. Highlight the expertise in your organization and in the content and services you provide
  4. Show that honest and trustworthy people stand behind your site (1. using org., 2. using images or text, e.g. author's profile with family or hobbies)
  5. Make it easy to contact you
  6. Design your site so it looks professional (or is appropriate for your purpose)
  7. Make your site easy to use -- useful
  8. Update your site's content often (at last show it's been reviewed recently)
  9. Use restraint with any promotional content (avoid if possible, or clearly distinguish the sponsored content from your own.)
  10. Avoid erros of all types, no matter how small they seem.


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